The Mayan Empire of city states ranged from what is now southern Mexico into Honduras and other parts of Central America.

Nearly all great Mayan cities were abandoned long before the Spanish arrived. With the jungle providing cover, and little resistance offered to the Conquistadors, magnificent Mayan pyramids escaped destruction. They have been unveiled for the world to see.

I offer a few examples, starting with El Castillo in Mexico's Yucatan at Chichen Itza, probably the most famous Mayan pyramid. Further south was the great Mayan Metropolis of Tikal in Guatemala, and its Temple of the Masks. Back in the Yucatan,
Uxmal's Temple of the Magician looks very steep and dangerous. I have a picture of what this climb is like.

On this trip I climbed every pyramid, often with great caution. There are chains to grasp as a security blanket, most helpful when coming down.