© 2004 mtcal

236884Detroit_from_Windsor_9679.jpg 236884Bike_A_9815.jpg 238690DSCN1813.JPG 234880003_I_18-Cr_N8008s_Tam28_Su400_27Sep04_Sign-499uc.JPG 2386672004_0919_143606AA.jpg

Photo Details

Photo by: mtcal
mtcal's Gallery
mtcal's Profile
Date: Tue Sep 28, 2004
Views: 1,124
Tags: 1
Keywords: dscn1813
Camera: Coolpix 4100
Read reviews on the Coolpix 4100 Search for photos taken with the Coolpix 4100
Shutter Speed and Aperture: couldnt say
ISO: IS who?

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