Three photos taken in moon light. The right corner block is the full image for each photo, resize to 300 by 200. The main images are cropped at 100% and have a size of 1200 by 400. The images taken by the 350D and the 400D/XTi used a Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 lens. To maintain the image size and compatibility, that is the same amount of light falling onto the CMOS image sensor, a Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 lens was used on the 5D to take into account Full Frame sensor. Each of the photos were taken in JPED using the camera’s standard setting. The only processing done to the photos was resizing and cropping using Gimp.

All images where taken under moon light
ISO: 1600
shutter speed: 20 Seconds
aperture: f/1.8
Time and date 22:30 on the 3rd of Feb 2007