Out having a moment alone at the top of a hill after a couple mile hike, remembering my mother along the way (still have days like these, coming up on 3 years now) and thinking of how I'd like her to be out there with me.

A moment later a Mourning Dove (note the spelling, actual name of this bird) flew up about 8 feet away from me and landed on a small trail marker. Completely unafraid of me, it just sat there watching me quietly and confidently at sundown. I made several images of him as quietly and still as I could when I suddenly realized he wasn't going anywhere.

It was as if he enjoyed the company and knew I meant no harm to him. I was in a bit of shock as this was a wild bird and I've never been this close to one in my life, let alone a skittish species such as this.

It is hard for me to make sense of this, part of me wants to believe my mother was using his eyes to watch me, to be near me; and another part of me thinks that is complete baloney and instead just a very rare coincidence and circumstance.

Either way there is no denying, it was a rare and special moment. One that I'd like to share.
