en-us Thu, 04 Jul 2024 14:02:48 -0400 PhotoPost Pro 8.0 60 Leaping Atlantic Salmon - East River, Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland <a href=";title=leaping-atlantic-salmon-east-river-northern-peninsula-newfoundland&amp;cat=503"><img title="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: tmoffatt<br /><br />Description}: Leaping salmon are often out of the water 1 second or less. I have found the Nikon D7000 very, very effective, with little lag time from semi-depressed taking button. Autofocus was on, with ISO at 800, and shutter priority and 1/800 sec - the minimum that works with leaping salmon. Location was far up the western coast of Newfoundland, on the East River, Hawke's Bay, in late June, 2011.<br /><br />2 comments Tue, 04 Oct 2011 11:03:47 -0400 Leaping Atlantic Salmon - East River, Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland <a href=";title=leaping-atlantic-salmon-east-river-northern-peninsula-newfoundland&amp;cat=503"><img title="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: tmoffatt<br /><br />Description}: Leaping salmon are often out of the water 1 second or less. I have found the Nikon D7000 very, very effective, with little lag time from semi-depressed taking button. Autofocus was on, with ISO at 800, and shutter priority and 1/800 sec - the minimum that works with leaping salmon. Location was far up the western coast of Newfoundland, on the East River, Hawke's Bay, in late June, 2011. Tue, 04 Oct 2011 11:03:47 -0400 Leaping Atlantic Salmon - East River, Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland <a href=";title=leaping-atlantic-salmon-east-river-northern-peninsula-newfoundland&amp;cat=503"><img title="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="east1-tmoffatt.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: tmoffatt<br /><br />Description}: Leaping salmon are often out of the water 1 second or less. I have found the Nikon D7000 very, very effective, with little lag time from semi-depressed taking button. Autofocus was on, with ISO at 800, and shutter priority and 1/800 sec - the minimum that works with leaping salmon. Location was far up the western coast of Newfoundland, on the East River, Hawke's Bay, in late June, 2011. Tue, 04 Oct 2011 11:03:47 -0400