en-us Thu, 13 Mar 2025 05:48:07 -0400 PhotoPost Pro 8.0 60 fashion 21 <a href=";title=fashion-21&amp;cat=504"><img title="243227fashion-21.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227fashion-21.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: fashion Sat, 18 Feb 2006 17:58:19 -0500 fashion 20 <a href=";title=fashion-20&amp;cat=504"><img title="243227fashion-20.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227fashion-20.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: fashion Sat, 18 Feb 2006 17:54:18 -0500 The Normal Lens <a href=";title=the-normal-lens&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I find that the normal lens on a 35-mm camera to be the most valuable lens for my style of photography. The beauty of a normal lens is that it gives me an image similar to human vision. Short lenses exaggerate the perspective and can distort the model’s features creating a "special effect", on the other hand, the telephoto lenses flattens the perspective and there is a loss of depth in a frame. Although the telephoto lens is good choice for close-ups and reducing background information when needed. I personally don’t use a zoom lens, but this is a tool if you are restricted in movement and there is a need to quickly take a picture. When I am working with a model, I am not restrict in being in one area, so I can physically moving around the model and moving back and forth. As a matter of fact, this is another beauty of the lens is I have to visually work harder before I take the image. <br /><br />2 comments Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:19:37 -0500 The Normal Lens <a href=";title=the-normal-lens&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I find that the normal lens on a 35-mm camera to be the most valuable lens for my style of photography. The beauty of a normal lens is that it gives me an image similar to human vision. Short lenses exaggerate the perspective and can distort the model’s features creating a "special effect", on the other hand, the telephoto lenses flattens the perspective and there is a loss of depth in a frame. Although the telephoto lens is good choice for close-ups and reducing background information when needed. I personally don’t use a zoom lens, but this is a tool if you are restricted in movement and there is a need to quickly take a picture. When I am working with a model, I am not restrict in being in one area, so I can physically moving around the model and moving back and forth. As a matter of fact, this is another beauty of the lens is I have to visually work harder before I take the image. Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:19:37 -0500 The Normal Lens <a href=";title=the-normal-lens&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-01.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I find that the normal lens on a 35-mm camera to be the most valuable lens for my style of photography. The beauty of a normal lens is that it gives me an image similar to human vision. Short lenses exaggerate the perspective and can distort the model’s features creating a "special effect", on the other hand, the telephoto lenses flattens the perspective and there is a loss of depth in a frame. Although the telephoto lens is good choice for close-ups and reducing background information when needed. I personally don’t use a zoom lens, but this is a tool if you are restricted in movement and there is a need to quickly take a picture. When I am working with a model, I am not restrict in being in one area, so I can physically moving around the model and moving back and forth. As a matter of fact, this is another beauty of the lens is I have to visually work harder before I take the image. Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:19:37 -0500 Vintage Lingerie <a href=";title=vintage-lingerie&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-23.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-23.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey Wed, 28 Dec 2005 06:51:23 -0500 The Normal Lens <a href=";title=the-normal-lens&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-23.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-23.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I find that the normal lens on a 35-mm camera to be the most valuable lens for my style of photography. The beauty of a normal lens is that it gives me an image similar to human vision. Short lenses exaggerate the perspective and can distort the model’s features creating a "special effect", on the other hand, the telephoto lenses flattens the perspective and there is a loss of depth in a frame. Although the telephoto lens is good choice for close-ups and reducing background information when needed. I personally don’t use a zoom lens, but this is a tool if you are restricted in movement and there is a need to quickly take a picture. When I am working with a model, I am not restrict in being in one area, so I can physically moving around the model and moving back and forth. As a matter of fact, this is another beauty of the lens is I have to visually work harder before I take the image. Wed, 28 Dec 2005 06:51:23 -0500 Boudoir Photography <a href=";title=boudoir-photography&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-06.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-06.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: “Art must be an expression of love or it is nothing.&quot; Marc Chagall<br /><br />1 comment Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:53:45 -0500 The Rules of Lighting <a href=";title=the-rules-of-lighting&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-18.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-18.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: The rules of lighting are that there are no rules. The only consideration is, does the image look good. I trust my eyes rather than trusting formulas. James Lohrey Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:41:14 -0500 Sensuality <a href=";title=sensuality&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-26.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-26.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: A beautiful women is even more fascinating to look at when she is revealing her own style of sensuality. James Lohrey<br /><br />1 comment Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:35:15 -0500 Start with the Make-Up <a href=";title=start-with-the-make-up&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227black-white-portrait-11.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227black-white-portrait-11.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I start off with make-up, hair, accessories and clothes. This is more critical in black and white photography because people will see the design and that bright pink lipstick that looks so great in color will turn into muddy gray. I have also learned to use the camera’s viewfinder to look at the model so I can see what the camera sees. Also while going through this process, the model starts getting comfortable with me, and this is very important. I can’t emphasize enough how important each step is, and If one step is missing, the photo shoot is a waste of time for everybody.<br /><br />1 comment Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:21:55 -0500 Who Likes Black and White Photography? <a href=";title=who-likes-black-and-white-photography&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-40.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-40.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: Based on my personal experience, people that like color and black and white photography tend to be more visually sophisticated and appreciate art and beauty. James Lohrey<br /><br />1 comment Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:14:13 -0500 The Secret <a href=";title=the-secret&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227boudoir-photography-25.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227boudoir-photography-25.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: All the models are beautiful girls; look at Robyn Lynn, here: she really is a wonderful lady, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. But, when the models are looked from Lohrey's objective, they become more beautiful, much more beautiful and charming. I know: the scene is well studied, as well as the light, the make up, etc. Surely Lohrey wants to photograph not only a woman, but also a special atmosphere; and many details, together, may help to create that atmosphere. But I'm not sure that these &quot;details&quot; can explain how this photographer may succeed in making women so beautiful and sensual. It seems that he does not only portrait faces and bodies, but also souls. Written by Roberto Malfatti from Malfattiarte Tuscany, Italy Tue, 27 Dec 2005 14:08:35 -0500 Black &amp; White Images Are More Emotional <a href=";title=black-amp-white-images-are-more-emotional&amp;cat=520"><img title="243227black-white-portrait-32.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="243227black-white-portrait-32.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: jameslohrey<br /><br />Description}: I use black and white film because it records a very wide range of tonal values and its beautiful grain addes texture and softens to the image. Black and white images do not over power so the viewer can feel the emotional element. James Lohrey Tue, 27 Dec 2005 13:55:07 -0500